At Home Acid Buffer Test

Home 9 Diet and Nutrition 9 At Home Acid Buffer Test

Take the Lemon Test to Learn if You Need to Alkalize

The home acid buffer test is very easy to do. Scroll down for instructions.

Acid/Alkali Balance – What is it REALLY About?

The technical measure of acidity and alkalinity is pH, and the pH of our blood must stay between 7.35 and 7.45 to remain healthy and alive.  Because this pH is so critical to life is tightly regulated by various mechanisms in the body.

In fact, it is so important to keep the blood at the right pH your body will may well break down bone, or pump your arteries full of cholesterol in extreme cases of pH imbalance.

acid alkali balance

Because today’s modern diet, lifestyle and stress levels all contribute to acidity in the body, it has become a focus for many clinicians to ‘alkalise’ the body.

This has given rise to lots of confusion as the body does not really become acid or alkali.  What is happening is that the ‘alkaline diet’ provides your body with what it needs to stay in the perfect pH range without having to break down bone (causing osteoporosis), or raise cholesterol.

There is more to it than this, including the fact that the more ‘acid stress’ we put on areas of our body, the less oxygen is transported, and the more chances of cancer.

The basic overview of the alkaline diet is ingest  less acid forming substances – dairy, wheat, meat, tea, coffee, alcohol – all the usual suspects – and have more alkaline forming foods – green vegetables!

Notice I said ‘acid forming’ and ‘alkaline forming’ as opposed to just acid and alkali.  This is because what a food starts of as on the outside of your body is not the same as it gets broken down to inside your body.  Milk for instance is alkaline, but once digested is more acidic.  Lemons, although acidic, break down to be alkaline forming.  Some foods, like eggs, are OK cooked, but not raw.  Wheat in any form is a major acid former, except when puffed! (Don’t ask me why – I’m sure the answer is out there).

alkaline foods

What made me realise understanding acid/alkali balance could be a major key to health came from listening to an Anthony Robbins course – Get the Ultimate Edge.  In the section on health he relates two stories, both about people with genetic disorders who were helped enormously by ‘alkalising’.

The first was a lady who had genetically high cholesterol and was obese.  She had apparently been studied since she was 14, and no diet and no drug made any difference. Then she started an alkalising diet and lost 6kg in 6 weeks, and halved her cholesterol too.  The theory was that she had high cholesterol in her blood to help lower her acidity – so remove the acid and the cholesterol goes down to!

The second example was more extreme.  A 21 year old who had broken over 200 bones, and could break more just by sneezing or coughing.  He was expected to die soon and his dying wish was to meet Tony Robbins.  Tony introduced him to alkalising and 12 years or so later this fragile man is now pumping iron and has become a motivational speaker – Sean Stephenson.

Now I’m Going To Blow Your Mind

The single biggest cause of acid stress is exercise.  By a long, long way.  This often comes as a surprise, even though most people are aware of lactic acid being linked to exercise. So if you exercise, and are not taking alkalizing super nutrients you are probably in trouble. The only way to know is to do the test below.

The best single alkalising superfood is the reishi mushroom (aka ganoderma lucidum) , which we recommend in combination with a multi-greens powder.  For the exact makes we use scroll to the bottom.

Ganoderma is Good for You

Ganoderma is Good For You

How to Test your own Acid Buffering at Home

Take this test before your 7 Day detox, and then again at the end.  If it is not perfect then you need to increase the alkalising superfoods until it does improve. (You may need to take the greens powders up to 20 times a day in severe cases)

The Acid Buffer test is a dynamic measurement of your body’s alkaline mineral reserves, which are one of the system’s that your body uses to deal with acid and alkaline imbalances.


  1. Do this test first thing in the morning before eating or drinking anything or brushing your teeth.
  2. You will need a roll of Universal pH paper to do this test, which will take about 7 minutes to complete and consists of taking the pH of your saliva 7 times.pH strips
  1. Take 7 strips of pH paper and lay them out on paper towel. (click on the picture to order some)
  2. Prepare your lemon juice drink: 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of water.
  1. To take a saliva pH reading: Make a pool of saliva in your mouth and dip half of the strip into this pool of saliva, remove and measure pH on the chart that comes with the pH paper. Do not put the whole strip in your mouth or hold it in for too long.
  1. Record this first reading.
  2. Take the lemon juice and swish it around your mouth for 10 seconds before swallowing. Check your pH again and start timing.
  3. Test and record your saliva pH every minute for 5 minutes.

Check your readings against the chart below.  If your readings do not follow this pattern and become mildly alkaline then your system is failing.

Courtesy of

Courtesy of

If your acid buffer system is below the line then for 7 days:

Try and eat ONLY veg, salad, berries, almonds, 1 or 2 pieces of fruit max, fish, AVOID at ALL costs – grains, meat, poultry, dairy (although you can take whey protein powder)

Have 5-20 scoops of Dynamic Greens per day – click here for a testimonial

Have 3-9 Ganoderma Spore capsules per day (put them into your favourite hot drink) – Order Here

Retest your pH after 7 days. If it is improving then carry on with the same regime. If it is not improving, not improved much, or got worse, then call us.

If you are not sure how to interpret your results, or need help with ordering,  then we can help, call 01707 662 704

Checking the acid buffering system is a critical part of improving performance in athletes, to learn the full nutrition protocol that legends like boxer Evander Holyfield followed to beat Mike Tyson, and that many of today’s top US Olympic, NBA, NFL, and WWF stars follow then click on the link below, and fill in the form to get the 5 part series.

At Home Acid Buffer Test
Article Name
At Home Acid Buffer Test
Do you really need to alkalize and follow an alkaline diet? Take this simple home test to find out. All you need is lemon juice and some universal pH paper

Written by Dr Chris Pickard

First published on: Apr 19, 2016

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