All Articles for the Category: Remedies

What to Do While We Wait for A Vaccine

Video Updates November 2020 Thought on '90% Vaccine Effectiveness' If the Government and the NHS told us this, would we even be looking at a vaccine? Supplements Mentioned: Multivitamin...

Cold Hormesis

Controlled Cold - Simple, Unpleasant, Effective What happened when I asked an 80 year old to have cold showers? Known effects of controlled cold exposure, technically known as cold hormesis: Improves the heat output of your cells (so you burn more...

Diabetes Type 2, Causes and Cures

Diabetes Basics Toxic Diabetes Most people in the West die of preventable causes, like diabetes and heart disease. However, you can only prevent these chronic diseases if you a) know what you are doing to cause them and b) take steps to address the...

Elbow Pain

Here's my overview of what to do to fix common types of elbow pain, along with some great exercise and advice videos to help you further. I love  Athlean-X Some simple advice you can apply to any part of...

Acid Reflux Treatment and the Dangers of Antacids

cid Reflux Treatment - “Educate, Don’t Medicate” This was the headline of just one of the many well written articles by health and medical experts warning about the dangers of ‘mediating’ vs ‘treating’ acid reflux or heart burn. One common class of...

High Blood Pressure and Coffee

Does Coffee Raise or Lower Your Blood Pressure? A recent study mentioned in the Daily Health Updates revealed that different aspects of high blood pressure means different dangers. For instance if the upper number is high (the systolic blood...

Nutrition for Cold Sores

A few people have asked me about this recently, so I've decided to post it! Cold sores - take up to 30g of lysine they day they appear, then 1-10g a day for a week. Also take at least 3g of vitamin C per day for that time. Get some Forever Living...

The Natural Pain Relief Report

The Natural Pain Relief Report by Chris Pickard DC Why Paracetamol Will Wreck Your Health My Current Top Recommendations For Natural Pain Relief 1) Start with a great wholefood diet, and ditch processed foods, grains and added sugar 2) Hydrate 3)...

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